web sites

Topical Term
web sites

Creating web pages all-in-one desk reference for dummies

Introduces the principles of Web page design; explains how to create a Web presence on such sites as MySpace and Blogger, how to create a full Web site using Google Pages Creator, and how to sell online through eBay; and looks at the features of various Web design programs and tools, including Expression Web, Dreamweaver, Cascading Style Sheets, HTML/XHTML code, JavaScript, and Flash.

Middle school pathfinders

guiding student research
Presents activities and resources designed to help middle-school students begin independent research, with seventy ready-to-use prompts related to topics taught at the middle-school level.

El mundo seg?n Larry

Seventeen-year-old Josh, a loner-philosopher who wants to make a difference in the world, tries to maintain his secret identity as the author of a web site that is receiving national attention.

The best Web sites for teachers

An annotated bibliography of more than 1,600 useful Web sites for teachers, covering a variety of curriculum areas as well as instructional aspects such as classroom management and special education.

The big red fez

how to make any Web site better
Explains what customers are looking for when they go to E-commerce sites, and provides illustrations of what to do and what not to do.

The African American experience in cyberspace

a resource guide to the best Websites on black culture and history

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 how-tos

100 essential techniques
A guide to designing and creating web sites with Adobe Dreamweaver covers such topics as using tables and frames, formulating and modifying text and images, adding forms, embedding media, and testing the final site.

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 unleashed

A guide to Web site development using Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 covers such topics as site management, preferences, tables, CSS, frames and framesets, HTML forms, and templates.

Boy, oh boy!

When Far Hills Junior High kicks off class elections, Madison is put in charge of the school's election site.

Inside WikiLeaks

My time with Julian Assange at the World's Most Dangerous Website
Details the inner workings of the organization for which the author was a former spokesman, revealing the evolution, finances, and inner tensions from the first meeting with Julian Assange to his withdrawal from WikiLeaks.


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