Body needs

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Carbohydrates for a healthy body

Describes what carbohydrates are, what types of foods contain them, how they are digested and used to produce energy, and their role in a healthy diet.

Water and fiber for a healthy body

Discusses what water and fiber are, what foods they can be found in, and how the body absorbs, digests, and uses these ingredients.

Vitamins and minerals for a healthy body

Discusses what vitamins and minerals are, how they are digested, absorbed, and used by the body, and the role of these substances in a healthy diet.

Proteins for a healthy body

Discusses the importance of protein to the human body, explains what protein is, and examines where it comes from, how it is digested and used by the body, and the consequences of too much or too little protein.

Carbohydrates for a healthy body

Describes what carbohydrates are, what types of foods contain them, how they are digested and used to produce energy, and their role in a healthy diet.

Fats for a healthy body

Discusses what fats are, how they are absorbed and stored in the body, how the body uses fats, and health problems caused by fats.
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