Scandiffio, Laura

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Digging deep

How Science Unearths Puzzles from the Past
Looks at how science and new technologies have helped to change the way history is viewed.
Cover image of Digging deep

Digging deep

how science unearths puzzles from the past
Looks at how science and new technologies have helped to change the way history is viewed.
Cover image of Digging deep

People who said no

courage against oppression
Examines the actions of individuals who did the right thing by breaking the rules, including a brother and sister who distributed antigovernment pamphlets in Nazi Germany, the man who helped develop but also spoke out against the nuclear bomb in Cold War Russia, and others.
Cover image of People who said no

Fight to learn

the struggle to go to school
Explores stories of people bringing education to those struggling around the world.

Fight to learn

the struggle to go to school
Explores stories of people bringing education to those struggling around the world.

Outlaws, spies, and gangsters

chasing notorious criminals
Provides information on eight of the most notorious criminals who were caught on the run, including John Dillinger, Adolf Eichmann, and Osama bin Laden.


The imagined blog of twelve-year-old Yoatl, an Aztec living in 1519.

Outlaws, spies, and gangsters

chasing notorious criminals
Tells about eight of the world's most wanted men, including John Dillinger and Osama bin Laden, and how they were captured.

People who said no

Examines the actions of individuals who did the right thing by breaking the rules, including a brother and sister who distributed antigovernment pamphlets in Nazi Germany, the man who helped develop but also spoke out against the nuclear bomb in Cold War Russia, and others.


Presents the imagined blog of Hans, a twelve-year-old boy living in Germany in 1212, following his adventures after he runs away to join the Children's Crusade to Jerusalem and hopefully find his older brother Otto.


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