Holcomb, Nan

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Patrick and Emma Lou

Despite his excitement over walking with a new walker, three-year-old Patrick finds it isn't easy and becomes discouraged until his new friend, six-year-old Emma Lou who has spina bifida, helps him discover something important about himself.

Fair and square

Tired of others letting him win at games, Kevin, a physically handicapped boy, learns how to win fair and square when he competes against a computer.

Sarah's surprise

Six-year-old Sarah, mobile but unable to talk, wants to sing "Happy Birthday" for her mother and is able to provide a birthday surprise with help from her therapist and a new augmentative communication device.

Andy Opens Wide

Andy, who if five and has cerebral palsy, has difficulty opening his mouth at mealtime, until his frustration leads to a discovery.

How about a hug

Though it takes much concentration and will for her to accomplish each task, a little girl with Down syndrome is happy to have many loving helpers along the way.

Danny and the merry-go-round

Danny, who has cerebral palsy, is faced with another frustrating day at the playground watching the other children play, until a friendly gesture from another kid gives him an unexpected adventure and helps him feel better about himself.

Andy finds a turtle

Andy's physical therapist calls him a turtle one day when he is feeling uncooperative, and thus begins a search to find a turtle, during which he becomes a small hero and learns something important about himself.
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