Young James Bond, a student at the Eton boarding school in the 1930s, travels to his aunt's Scotland estate for the Easter holidays where he becomes caught up in investigating the disappearance of a local boy, a crime allegedly linked to a madman with a plot for global domination.
Prequel to the adventures of James Bond, 007, introduces the young James when he is just starting boarding school in England and is about to become involved in his first adventure.
Young James Bond, a student at the Eton boarding school in the 1930s, travels to his aunt's Scotland estate for the Easter holidays where he becomes caught up in investigating the disappearance of a local boy, a crime allegedly linked to a madman with a plot for global domination.
Young James Bond attends school at the prestigious Eton boarding school, and teams up with Red to investigate the mystery of the disappearance of a boy, Alfie Kelly, Red's cousin, allegedly linked to a madman with a plot for global domination.