serbian americans

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serbian americans

Nikola Tesla

the man, the inventor, and the age of electricity
"As a scientist, inventor, and engineer, Nikola Tesla was devoted to discovery, registering over 700 patents in his lifetime. He is . . . celebrated as the father of modern electricity, shaping technology that came after. Tesla's . . . life story is the focus of this . . . volume, which includes . . . reproduced documents from Tesla's personal archives"--Provided by publisher.

A life electric

the story of Nikola Tesla
"Born at the stroke of midnight during a lightning storm, Nikola Tesla grew up to become one of the most important electrical inventors in the world. But before working with electricity, he was a child who loved playing with the animals on his family's farm in Serbia. An inventor since childhood, Tesla's patents encompassed everything from radar and remote-control technology to wireless communications. But his greatest invention was the AC induction motor, which used alternating currents (AC) to distribute electricity and which remains the standard for electric distribution today. Tesla's love of animals also remained constant throughout his life and led to his anointment as the Pigeon Charmer of New York for his devotion to nature's original wireless messengers. Exploring his groundbreaking inventions against the backdrop of his private life, A Life Electric introduces Nikola Tesla to young readers unlike ever before. Azadeh Westergaard's lyrical debut brings compassion and humanity to the legacy of the brilliant inventor, while the esteemed illustrator Julia Sarda deftly brings him to life"--Provided by publisher.

Who was Nikola Tesla?

Presents a brief illustrated biography of Nikola Tesla. Includes a timeline of key events in Tesla's life compared with a timeline of world events at the time of his life.
Cover image of Who was Nikola Tesla?

Marsh and me

When Joey, a loner whose life consists of home, school, and the hill where he plays guitar, meets Marsh, she opens his eyes to a new world.

Who was Nikola Tesla?

A brief biography of engineer and inventor Nikola Tesla, discussing his childhood in Serbia, his work in electricity and more.
Cover image of Who was Nikola Tesla?

The lake effect

"The summer after senior year of high school, Briggs Henry works as a personal assistant to an eccentric elderly woman in a house on the shores of Lake Michigan, and finds himself distracted by the mysterious girl next door"--.

Electrical wizard

how Nikola Tesla lit up the world
An introduction to the life and contributions of Nikola Tesla covers his innovations in the field of alternating current and his role in the development of such inventions as remote controls, fluorescent lights, and cell phones.

Something about America

In poetic free verse, a thirteen-year-old Serbian girl describes her life in America after being badly burned during the war in Kosovo.

The Serbian Americans

Describes the history, culture, and religion of the Serbian Americans; factors encouraging their emigration; and their acceptance as an ethnic group in North America.

Something about America

Presents a collection of poems that relate a fictional story, inspired by actual events, where a young girl struggles with the difficulty of growing up in America as an immigrant from Kosova, Yugoslavia.
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