valentine's day

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valentine's day

Un beso bajo la lluvia

Bajo la u?ltima lluvia pronosticada, en un roma?ntico di?a de San Valenti?n, las cosas no resultaron bien para Floyd McFly. De pie, en medio de un parque, mojada y con el corazo?n hecho an?icos, ella era la viva imagen de alguien a quien acababan de decirle: "Esto no va a funcionar". Sin embargo, entre todo ese dramatismo de peli?cula, un desconocido de abrigo marro?n le entrega su paraguas; asi? trae de regreso a la chica optimista. ?Quie?n ha sido? Floyd tiene dos posibles candidatos: Joseff Martin, un chico con complejo de superhe?roe que tiende a disfrazarse de Batman, hablar mucho y meterse en problemas, o Felix Frederick, con quien compartira? techo. Lluvia y sol. Chocolate y menta. Multicolor y monocromo. Positivo y negativo. Asi? son Floyd y Felix; dos opuestos que alguna vez fueron inseparables. Pero de su inocente amistad, solo quedan recuerdos. Felix guarda un secreto y Floyd pronto descubre cua?l es.

Stitch's Valentine

A Step 2 Step into Reading leveled reader starring Stitch from Disney's Lilo & Stitch as he celebrates Valentine's Day! It's Valentine's Day, and everyone has a Valentine except Stitch! He heads out to find his alien friend Angel to celebrate with, but can he find her before the day ends? Kids ages 4 to 6 will love this sweet and silly step 2 Step into Reading leveled reader based on Disney's Lilo & Stitch, perfect for Valentine's Day! Step 2 readers use basic vocabulary and short sentences to tell simple stories. For children who recognize familiar words and can sound out new words with help.

Flubby does not like Valentine's Day

Kami searches for the perfect Valentines gift for her pal, Flubby.

One zillion valentines

When Marvin shows Milton how to make valentines, they decide to make one for each person in their neighborhood.

Love from Godzilla

"The King of the Monsters shows all the things that love is in this . . . book for Valentine's Day that features illustrations of everyone's favorite kaijus"--Provided by publisher.

Winnie the Pooh: Un-Valentine's Day

Pooh gets so carried away with Valentine's Day that the others forbid him to send anymore cards.

Emily's valentine party

Emily, a rabbit, prepares a big party for her animalfrien ds on Valentine's Day.

The little engine that could

Valentine's Day surprise
The Little Blue Engine is happy when her friends Lucy Locomotive, Choo Choo Charlie, and Engine Eddie come to work at Piney Vale Train Station, but disappointed because she thinks they cannot have a Valentine's Day party.

Cranberry valentine

Maggie, her grandmother, and the sewing circle make Cranberryport a brighter place for Mr. Whiskers when they send him secret valentines.


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