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Darwin's dangerous idea

Introduces major concepts of evolutionary theory and explores why Darwin's idea might matter more today than it did in its own time. Interweaves the drama in key moments of Darwin's life with documentary sequences of current research.

Great transformations

Looks at how complex life forms, including humans, evolved. Focuses on the development of a standard four-limbed man plan, the journey from water to land, the return of marine mammals to the sea, and the emergence of humans. Suggests that every species that ever existed is a variation on a genetic theme.


Explores causes of the past five mass extinctions and looks at the sources of extinctions happening today. Also explores what evolutionary theory predicts for the future.

The evolutionary arms race

Explores the interactions between humans and disease-causing microorganisms. Looks at the struggles of medical detectives to uncover the roots of epidemics, and traces the spread of pathogenic resistance.

The mind's big bang

Looks at the creative, technological, and social explosion that occurred 50,000 years ago that caused humans to dominate the planet. Also examines what contributed to this breakthrough of the mind and where this power may lead us.

What about God?

Explores the struggle of people, especially at colleges, trying to maintain their faith and to understand it while coming to terms with science. Focuses on creationist views and evolutionary theory.
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