Environmental science for students

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Air quality

Presents a discussion of natural sources of air pollution and its effects on humans, plants, and animals, covering primary and secondary sources, monitoring by government agencies, and measures such as green roofs and the Clean Air Act, with commentary by experts and noteworthy case studies.

Soil quality

Presents a discussion of soil pollution and erosion, which is magnified by human activity, and how it has been addressed, covering the Dust Bowl of the 1930s and resulting changes in farming methods, with commentary by experts and noteworthy case studies.

Water quality

Presents a discussion of the environmental, economic, and health effects of water pollution and scarcity, and covers conservation efforts and measures such as the Clean Water Act of 1972 and the construction of desalination plants, with commentary by experts and noteworthy case studies.

Global climate change

Presents a discussion of the natural events and human activity that play a role in climate change, covering unexpected sources of greenhouse gases and local, national, and international efforts to combat the effects of global warming on the environment, with commentary by experts and noteworthy case studies.

Sustainability in the 21st Century

Examines the concept of sustainability, the capacity to provide for the needs of the world's current population without harming the ability of future generations to provide for themselves. Learn about factors that can affect sustainability such as carrying capacity, population density, and ecological footprint. Also explore some of the challenges and successes of sustainability in the rainforest, one of the world's most diverse habitats. Observe sustainability in action at a school that has employed green building practices and in a community that has used smart growth policies to combat suburban sprawl.
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