
Topical Term

Kitty cornered

how Frannie and five other incorrigible cats seized control of our house and made it their home
The author tells the stories of how he and his family came to own six cats and how the cats have transformed their lives and house, for better and worse.

Chicken soup for the soul

extraordinary teens : personal stories and advice from today's most inspiring youth
Presents inspirational, autobiographical stories from over fifty celebrities and others which are designed to inspire teenagers to overcome their troubles and celebrate their triumphs.

Chicken soup for the baseball fan's soul

inspirational stories of baseball, big-league dreams and the game of life

How race is lived in America

pulling together, pulling apart
A collection of essays which attempt to capture the raw emotions and candid words which often surround race relations in the United States.

The parrot who owns me

the story of a relationship
Ornithologist Joanna Burger provides an account of her complicated, but enriching relationship with Tiko, a Red-lored Amazon parrot she has lived with for fifteen years.

From the soul

stories of great Black parents and the lives they gave us
A celebration of the African-American family, presenting the stories of ten families whose love, encouragement, and solid values have enabled successive generations to move up the ladder of success.

Chicken soup for the soul Christmas treasury

holiday stories to warm the heart
A collection of over sixty short heart-warming stories about Christmas.

The hungry ocean

a swordboat captain's journey
Sea captain Linda Greenlaw tells the story of a grueling thirty-day swordfishing voyage during which she and her five-man crew encountered savage weather, equipment failure, and sharks, along with the routine work of operating a fishing boat; and discusses other aspects of her unusual career.

The cat who came for Christmas

The story of a bedraggled white feline who came for Christmas and took over the heart of Cleveland Amory.

The silent miaow

a manual for kittens, strays, and homeless cats
A guide telling cats how to win their way into a household, take over and have control over each member of the family.


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