sexually transmitted diseases

Topical Term
sexually transmitted diseases

No magic bullet

a social history of venereal disease in the United States since 1880

Sexually transmitted diseases

Twenty-five articles present opposing viewpoints on various aspects of such issues as the extent of sexually transmitted diseases, governmental education of youth on STDs, reducing the spread of STDs, and how to address the global AIDS crisis.

Sexual health information for teens

health tips about sexual development, human reproduction, and sexually transmitted diseases
Provides detailed information for teenage boys and girls on puberty; male and female reproductive health; sexually transmitted diseases and how they are spread and prevented; pregnancy and contraception; abstinence; date rape; and how to talk to one's parents about sex.

Sexual health information for teens

Provides detailed information for teenage boys and girls on puberty; male and female reproductive health; sexually transmitted diseases and how they are spread and prevented; pregnancy and contraception; abstinence; date rape; online predators; masturbation; and other related topics.

Sexually transmitted infections

Presents articles that cover a variety of topics concerning sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV, HPV vaccinations, and the risk of oral cancer.

Sexually transmitted diseases

This book discusses sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia, human papillomavirus (HPV), genital herpes, gonorrhea, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and syphilis, presenting information on trends in STDs, preventions, testings and screening, symptoms, and treatments.

Sexually transmitted diseases

how are they prevented?
Discusses the symptoms, dangers, transmission, treatment, and prevention of eleven sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS, gonorrhea, and syphilis.

Straight talk about sexually transmitted diseases

Provides information about such sexually transmitted diseases as gonorrehea, syphilis, herpes, chlamydia, and AIDS, and how they can be prevented and treated.


Discusses the characteristics of one of the most rapidly increasing sexually transmitted diseases and describes its symptoms and effects. Also provides some suggestions for curbing its spread.

Staying safe

a teen's guide to sexually transmitted diseases
Provides information for teens about sexually transmitted diseases, describing various types of STDs, including gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, herpes, HIV/AIDS, and others, explaining how they are contracted, and discussing prevention measures. Includes resources for further study.


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