Richards, Justin

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The death collector

Three teens and a curator of unclassified artifacts at the British Museum match wits with a madman determined to use unorthodox methods to reanimate the dead, both humans and dinosaurs.
Cover image of The death collector

Doctor Who

The secret lives of monsters
A unique, in-depth look into the hidden lives and mysteries of the monsters from the hit BBC series Doctor Who--a fully illustrated color compendium that reveals proof of the existence of alien life out there and among us, packaged with removable artwork commissioned exclusively for the book. For years, world governments and multinational organizations like the secretive UNIT have suppressed the truth. In this book, leading alientologist Justin Richards finally blows the lid off the biggest conspiracy to radically alter our world since The Scarlioni Incident. Not only is there proof that alien life exists. The aliens are already here. Based on exclusive access to classified UNIT and Torchwood files--shocking information that has been suppressed for centuries--The Secret Lives of Monsters reveals the terrifying truth behind the rumors and legends. Packed with iconic photographs, eyewitness accounts, diagrams and illustrations, and sixteen removable color prints, The Secret Lives of Monsters offers background details on a diverse range of alien species--including planetary and genetic origins, habits, social organization, and first human contact. If you want to know why the Sontaran's probic vent is his weak point or what it is used for; how Daleks reproduce; or how to determine whether your best friend is a Zygon, the answers--as well as everything you need to know to survive future invasions--are here in The Secret Lives of Monsters.

Doctor Who

The Dangerous Book of Monsters
A visual guide to the popular science fiction television program "Doctor Who". This time-worn monster handbook is where the Doctor keeps his most valuable and dangerous information - his essential notes on every fearsome enemy, with original sketches of each creature and cunning foe.

Dreams of empire

Doctor Who arrives on a barren asteroid to find the Haddron Empire on the brink of collapse, and the one man who might be able to save it is in prison, with his friends plotting his escape and enemies planning his death.

The Clockwise Man

The Doctor and Rose travel to London in the 1920s where they encounter the mysterious Painted Lady.

Doctor Who 50

the essential guide
This essential guide to fifty years of Doctor Who includes all eleven incarnations of the Doctor and fascinating facts on his adventures in space and time, as well as his helpful companions and fearsome foes. Find out all about the Doctor's TARDIS, his regenerations, and much more.

Plague of the cybermen

When the Doctor encounters a village in the nineteenth century suffering from a deadly plague, he investigates the situation and discovers the Cybermen may somehow be involved.

Apollo 23

An original Doctor Who novel. The plot centers on a secret military base on the moon - that's where Amy and the TARDIS are. The Doctor is back on Earth, and without the TARDIS there's no way he can get to the moon to save Amy and defeat the aliens. Or is there? The Doctor discovers one last great secret that could save humanity: Apollo 23.


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