Fisher, Aileen Lucia

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We went looking

Recounts in verse the animals seen while looking for a badger.

Like nothing at all

A little girl takes a walk in the woods in spring, summer, fall, and winter, and in each season she comes upon a well-camouflaged woodland creature.

Jeanne d'Arc

The life of the peasant girl who led the French army to victory against the English in the fifteenth century.

Going barefoot

A little boy, who yearns for the weather to be warm enough so he can go barefoot, thinks about all the animals that go barefoot all year 'round.

My mother and I

In the middle of the night

A little girl learns about the evening world of insects, animals and flowers when she takes a walk through the country with her father in the middle of the night--McClurg book news.

Where does everyone go?

A poetic explanation of where animals and summer objects go in the wintertime.

In one door and out the other

Sixty-three poems recording adventures, joys, and frustrations of childhood.

You don't look like your mother

Recounts in verse a robin's introduction to a number of animal infants who don't look like their mothers, including her own.
Cover image of You don't look like your mother

Plays about our Nation's songs


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