

Secrets of the code

the unauthorized guide to the mysteries behind The Da Vinci code
Examines the truth and fiction behind Dan Brown's popular novel "The Da Vinci Code" separating what in the novel is true and what Brown embellished for his work.


a love story
A fictionalized account of the life of Saint Valentine, a Roman physician who falls in love with the blind daughter of a Roman jailer during the reign of Claudius II.

Priestess of Avalon

Eilan, a British princess known to the Romans as Helena, banished from Avalon for indulging in a forbidden love, grows to be a wise woman who finds herself in the unique position, as mother of the Emperor Constantine, of having to find a way to bridge the gap between the pagan world of the Goddess and the new Christian empire her son created.

The woman with the alabaster jar

Mary Magdalen and the Holy Grail
Draws from evidence from history, heraldry, symbolism, medieval art, mythology, psychology, and the Bible to suggest that Christ was married to Mary Magdalen.

Saint Maximilian Kolbe

the story of the two crowns
A biography of the Polish friar, canonized in 1982, who founded the Militia of the Immaculate, wrote numerous periodicals and newspapers, and while imprisoned in Auschwitz, sacrificed his life for another man.

St. Patrick and Irish Christianity

Relates what is known about the life and times of Saint Patrick, how he brought the Christian religion to Ireland, and the work of Christian missionaries in Britain and Europe.

Saint George and the dragon

A rendition of the legend of Saint George, recounting how the brave, mysterious horseman saved a city from a terrible dragon.

The man who loved books

A brief biography of the Irish saint who was known for his love of books and his missionary work throughout Scotland.

Cracking Da Vinci's code

Presents evidence to support the authors' contention that much of the information about Christianity and Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci set forth in Dan Brown's novel "The Da Vinci Code, " are false, or at best only partially true.

The road to Damietta

Deeply attached to the charming and carefree Francis Bernardone, Cecilia, a young noblewoman of Assisi, watches as he turns from his life of wealth and privilege, takes vows of poverty, and devotes himself to serving God by helping all those around him.


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