Hitchcock, Susan Tyler

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Geography of religion

where God lives, where pilgrims walk
Contains photographs, maps, and essays from scholars and teachers that chronicles the history and teachings of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and examines their origins, how they have shaped history, and the roles they have played in culture and civilization.
Cover image of Geography of religion

National Geographic dawn to dark photographs

the magic of light
"The latest entry in National Geographic's popular photo line gives readers a front-row seat to the wonders of landscape photography. Choosing from among the world's best portfolios, curators at National Geographic have arranged a symphony of photographs that tell the story of a single day, from dawn's first light to the closing moments of sunset, from daylight to dark. Short legends accompany every photograph to explain the picture, the scene it conveys, or how the photographer captured it, along with quotations from literature that provide historical context. With the widest possible array of perspectives, close-ups, and details, these photos present a lifetime of vision, each page a new experience of time and light"--.

Rarely seen

photographs of the extraordinary
Features a collection of rare images of natural phenomena, remote locations, and seldom seen animals and objects.

Visions of Earth

beauty, majesty, wonder

Geography of religion

where God lives, where pilgrims walk

Gather ye wild things

a forager's year
Fifty-two brief essays, grouped according to the seasons, explain how to find, identify, and use a variety of wild plants, herbs, roots, and fruits.

Sylvia Earle

deep-sea explorer
Tells the life story of marine botanist Sylvia Earle, who in 1979 made history with the deepest solo untethered dive ever conducted, 1,250 feet down to Hawaii's ocean floor; and includes information on underwater air pressure and ocean zones, a chronology, and a further reading list.

Visions of Earth

National Geographic photographs of beauty, majesty, and wonder
Looks at the Earth through nature, landscape, and human geography photographs.

Karen Horney

pioneer of feminine psychology
Examines the life and work of Karen Horney, discussing her pioneering work in the early history of psychoanalysis, and the criticism she drew for daring to challenge the theories of Sigmund Freud.

Roe v. wade

protecting a woman's right to choose
Examines the 1973 Supreme Court case of Roe v Wade; discussing the history of abortion, the trial, arguments, and decision.


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