nobel, alfred bernhard

nobel, alfred bernhard

Alfred Nobel

The Swedish chemist and businessman Alfred Nobel made important discoveries in explosives, including the invention of dynamite in 1867. His products made it easier for workers to blast rock, drill tunnels, build canals, and perform many other types of construction work. After his death, Nobel dedicated most of his substantial estate for the establishment of the Nobel prizes, which are among the most prestigious awards given to scientists and peacemakers today.

Alfred Nobel

a biography

Invisible things

In an alternate 1930s Europe, sixteen-year-old Sophie and Mikael, now more than a friend, investigate her parents' death, setting off a chain of events that unravels everything she thought she knew about her family, and involving them in international intrigue and the development of the atomic bomb.

Alfred Nobel and the story of the Nobel Prize

A biography of the reclusive inventor of dynamite and the story of how he came to establish the prestigious prizes that bear his name.


Discusses the uses of dynamite and the industrial and technological progress that followed its invention in 1866 by chemical engineer Alfred Nobel.

The Nobel Prize

the story of Alfred Nobel and the most famous prize in the world
Examines the life of Alfred Nobel and the establishment of the Nobel Prize, looks at winners in the categories of science, literature, economics, and peace, and includes a list of Nobel laureates from 1901 to 2009.

Alfred Nobel

the man behind the Peace Prize
An illustrated exploration of Alfred Nobel's invention of dynamite and how his feelings about how it was used led him to create the Nobel Prizes.

Alfred Nobel

inventive thinker
Discusses the life and work of Alfred Nobel, a Swedish inventor who developed dynamite and instituted the Nobel Prize.
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