O'Neill, Terry

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Biomedical ethics

Presents opposing viewpoints on various issues of biomedical ethics, including animal testing, human testing, organ transplants, genetic testing, gene therapy, and cloning.

Economics in America

opposing viewpoints
Presents opposing points of view placed back to back to create a running debate concerning the government's economic policies.

Readings on Animal farm

An analysis of George Orwell's 1944 novel "Animal Farm, " featuring early reviews of the book, a range of essays discussing the social and political meaning of the story, and biographical information about the author.

Readings on To kill a mockingbird

A collection of writings that analyze Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird"; includes biographical information about Lee.

The Indian reservation system

Contains thirteen articles from a variety of historical sources that examine the relationship between Native Americans and the government, and present perspectives on the establishment and perpetuation of the reservation system.

Readings on All quiet on the western front

An anthology of critical essays that provide a wide range of information and opinion about the World War I novel "All Quiet on the Western Front, " and its German author Erich Maria Remarque.

Secret scars

what you need to know about cutting
Explores the reasons that teenagers turn to cutting. Includes tips and resources for those who want to help themselves or someone they know.

Mysterious monsters

Contains articles in which the authors present arguments for and against the existence of mysterious monsters such as the Mothman, the Dover Demon, and others.

Animal rights

an opposing viewpoints guide
Contains a collection of essays that examine the issues related to animal rights, discussing animal experimentation, philosophical and moral considerations, andanimal rights activism.


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