Here's your chance to rock n' roll with a legend, the all-American Corvette! This U.S. sports car has appeared in more movies and TV shows than most Hollywood actors. Check out the Corvette's history and its bright future.
Presents the life and works of the renowned science fiction author and discusses his creative process and the inspiration for such works as "Fahrenheit 451.".
Introduces students to some of the scariest and strangest creatures found deep in the world's oceans, describing sea spiders, vampire squids, yeti crabs, and other creepy wonders.
Explores technologies that scientists in the early twenty-first century are developing that can affect various aspects of life, such as smart houses, humanoid robots, and cars that drive themselves.
Explores how scientists are studying serious threats to public health, such as avian flu, SARS, ebola, and AIDS, in the hopes of stopping the spread of deadly diseases.
Traces the history of Afghanistan from its origins through the twentieth century, highlighting the major events and conflicts that have marked the country and its people.