
Geographic Name

After Khomeini

Iran under his successors

American ally

Tony Blair and the war on terror
Explores British primin minister Tony Blair's support for the United States in the war on terror, discussing why Blair risked his political career to support President Bush, and why Blair is now considered one of the most controversial world leaders of the twenty-first century.

My life as a traitor

an Iranian memoir
As a twenty-year-old, Iranian student Zarah Ghahramani, was taken off a Tehran street and put in Evin prison for an infraction. The experience transforms her from a naive Persian girl into a courageous and determined woman.

The Ayatollah begs to differ

the paradox of modern Iran
Presents a look at Iranian politics and culture, examining social mores and Farsi phrases that reveal the sensibility of Persians, including a desire for privacy, praise, and poetry, and provides an assessment of the idiosyncrasies of President Ahmadinejad and other characteristics of Iran and its people.

The secret way to war

the Downing Street Memo and the Iraq War's buried history

My life as a traitor

Zarah Ghahramani recollects her childhood in Iran, being raised by a family who encouraged her creativity in a country were women were oppressed; and recalls her experiences in Evin Prison, a jail in Tehran where she was subjected to physical and psychological torture for showing her hair in public.

The Iran threat

President Ahmadinejad and the coming nuclear crisis
Examines the inner workings and plans of Iran's mullahs, revealing President Ahmadinejad's radical roots and involvement in an organization with terrorist links, his role in Iran's weapons program, the country's involvement with Iraq, and its broader goals for the future of the Middle East.

Lipstick jihad

a memoir of growing up Iranian in America and American in Iran
The author examines her life as an American-born Iranian and the frustration and confusion of trying to live in both worlds and describes her decision to move to Tehran as a journalist and the cultural, political, and social upheaval she encountered.

The last great revolution

turmoil and transformation in Iran
Provides an account of the changes taking place in Iran twenty years after the Islamic revolution, discussing the people and places that make up the country, and looking at the pressing issues in Iranaian life, including religious freedom, women's rights, freedom of expression, and others.

Between two worlds

my life and captivity in Iran
Roxana Saberi chronicles her experiences as an Iranian-American journalist who was accused of espionage and imprisoned while she was working in Iran in 2009, and also discusses the political tensions within the Middle Eastern nation.


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