dee, john

dee, john

The magician

the secrets of the immortal Nicholas
Fifteen-year-old twins Sophie and Josh Newman continue their magical training in Paris with Nicholas Flamel, Scatty, and the Comte de Sant Germaine, pursued by Doctor Dee and the immortal Niccolo Machiavelli.

The necromancer

After fleeing to Ojai, then Paris, and escaping to London, Josh and Sophie Newman are finally home, and after everything they have seen and learned in the past week, they are both more confused than ever.

The alchemyst

While working at summer jobs in San Francisco, twins Sophie and Josh find themselves caught up in the deadly, centuries-old struggle between rival alchemists, Nicholas Flamel and John Dee, over the possession of an ancient and powerful book.

The enchantress

With only a day left to live and one job left to finish, Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel must defend San Francisco from monsters on Alcatraz Island; meanwhile, Sophie and Josh Newman travel into the past after Dr. John Dee and Virginia Dare.

El brujo

Fifteen-year-old Josh has chosen to fight alongside Dr. John Dee and the mysterious Virginia Dare, while the immortal Machiavelli and Billy the Kid follow the Elders' plans to set loose the monsters of Alcatraz.

The alchemyst

[the secrets of the immortal Nicholas Flamel]
While working at pleasant but mundane summer jobs in San Francisco, fifteen-year-old twins, Sophie and Josh, suddenly find themselves caught up in the deadly, centuries-old struggle between rival alchemists, Nicholas Flamel and John Dee, over the possession of an ancient and powerful book holding the secret formulas for alchemy and everlasting life.

El nigromante

Immortal Nicholas Flamel Book
After fleeing to Ojai, then Paris, and escaping to London, Josh and Sophie Newman are finally home, and after everything they have seen and learned in the past week, they are both more confused than ever.

El mago

Immortal Nicholas Flamel
Fifteen-year-old twins Sophie and Josh Newman continue their magical training in Paris with Nicholas Flamel, Scatty, and the Comte de Sant Germaine, pursued by Doctor Dee and the immortal Niccolo Machiavelli.

The Magician

The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
Fifteen-year-old twins Sophie and Josh Newman continue their magical training in Paris with Nicholas Flamel, Scatty, and the Comte de Sant Germaine, pursued by Doctor Dee and the immortal Niccolo Machiavelli.

The Warlock: Bk.5 The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel

With Scatty, Joan of Arc, Saint Germain, Palamedes, and Shakespeare all in Danu Talis, Sophie is on her own with the ever-weakening Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel. She must depend on Niten to help her find an immortal to teach her Earth Magic. The surprise is that she will find her teacher in the most ordinary of places.


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