Miller, Debra A

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North Korea

Primary and secondary documents provide historical background and contemporary analysis on the conflicts of North Korea.
Cover image of North Korea

Nuclear armament

Presents a diverse selection of primary sources representing all sides of the debate in question about nuclear armament.
Cover image of Nuclear armament

Social Security

Presents a diverse selection of primary sources representing all sides of the debate in question about social security.

Disaster response

A series of controversial essays that address issues associated with disaster response including the immediate challenges following a disaster, U.S. response after Hurricane Katrina, and the private sector's responsibilities during an emergency.

Genetically engineered foods

Contains thirteen essays that provide varying perspectives on issues related to genetically engineered foods.

Politics and religion

A collection of essays exploring topics related to politics and religion, discussing various social and political aspects.


Collects an assortment of critical essays that debate various topics relating to immigration, from whether immigration is a serious issue in the United States to how the U.S. government should respond to illegal immigration.


"Explores a variety of issues related to pesticides, including whether they are negatively affecting human health, how they are interacting with the environment, whether they are needed to feed the world, and what the future of pesticides might be"--Provided by publisher.

Gay marriage

Fourteen essays offer varying viewpoints on issues related to same-sex marriage, discussing whether or not same-sex marriage should be legalized and if it is a threat to society in any way.


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