Phelan, Glen

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Killing germs, saving lives

the quest for the first vaccines
Traces the history of the vaccines that changed the way medical science treated diseases such as smallpox, cholera, and polio; and profiles scientists like Louis Pasteur, Joseph Lister, and Florence Nightingale who contributed to the advancement of medicine.
Cover image of Killing germs, saving lives

Physical Science

all the different forms of energy and how they effect everyday living.

Science sleuths

Facts and stories that show how a knowledge of science and good observation and research skills can lead students to solve science mysteries.

Rocks and minerals

Describes the difference between rocks, minerals, and gems. Explains how different types of rock were formed. Describes the properties that are used to identify minerals, and explores different places where rocks and minerals are found. Shows how rocks are used every day, sometimes in new ways.

Earth, sun, moon

Explores the motion of Earth and the moon in relation to the sun, and explains why season occur. Identifies factors that cause the moon's phases. Discusses how ancient peoples made innovations such as Stonehenge based on their observations of the sky. Explains what causes solar and lunar eclipses. Identifies ways in which satellites help scientists track data about the earth.


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