Nakaya, Andrea C.

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Fatal doses

fentanyl and other synthetic opioids
"An amount of fentanyl equal to only about two grains of salt can be fatal. In recent years, fentanyl and other deadly synthetic opioids have become common in the United States. While drug use has not changed a lot, drug overdose deaths have increased considerably. The main cause of this dramatic increase is widely believed to be fentanyl and other synthetic opioids"--Provided by publisher.

Healthy oceans

why they matter
"Not enough is being done to protect the world's oceans. Instead, human activity is causing them to become less and less healthy every year. While almost everyone knows that the oceans are important, many do not understand exactly how important they are. Experts warn that the oceans could eventually be harmed so much that life on earth will be dramatically altered"--Provided by publisher.

The history of anime and manga

Both anime and manga have been popular in Japan for more than a hundred years. More recently, they have also attracted a large number of fans around the world. Manga are comic books and graphic novels that are created in Japan. While many comic books and animated shows are created only for young people, anime and manga are created for all different age groups, from toddlers to adults.

The deadliest infectious diseases

Infectious diseases such as COVID, plague, influenza, tuberculosis, smallpox, and HIV have wiped out tens of millions of people around the globe. In addition, they have left millions more suffering from chronic health problems or permanent disabilities. Overall, most experts agree that infectious diseases will continue to be a major health threat in the future. This is because existing diseases are extremely difficult to get rid of, and also because new diseases continually emerge.

Social media hate speech

"Research shows that hate speech is extremely common on social media and that it can lead to real-world violence and crime. [This book] . . . presents a realistic picture of what is happening on social media, who's most affected, and what is being done to address these troubling issues"--Provided by publisher.


Contains twenty-four essays that provide varying perspectives on alcohol use, discussing the physiological effects of using alcohol, its implications on society, the causes of alcohol abuse, and measures that could reduce alcohol-related problems; and including discussion questions, contact information for organizations, and bibliographies.
Cover image of Alcohol

What is the future of wind power?

Explores the future of wind power and discusses the role of the government in its future.

The environment

Contains sixteen essays that provide opposing viewpoints on issues related to the environment, discussing whether there is an environmental crisis, threats to the environment, and American environmental policies.
Cover image of The environment

Thinking critically

Introduces issues related to obesity and examines the pros and cons of the debate.
Cover image of Thinking critically

Thinking critically

police powers
The police hold an extremely powerful role in society, but in recent years there has been increased scrutiny of how they use their power. Through a narrative-driven pro/con format?supported by relevant facts, quotes, anecdotes, and full-color illustrations?this title examines issues related to police powers. Topics include: Is Abuse of Police Power a Problem in the United States? Can the Use of Excessive Force by the Police Be Reduced? Are Racial Issues the Key to Reducing Conflicts Over Police Power? Do US Police Departments Need Reforms?.
Cover image of Thinking critically


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