computer programming

Topical Term
computer programming

The power of C++

An introduction to the C++ computer programming language.
Cover image of The power of C++

The power of Python

An introduction to the Python computer programming language.
Cover image of The power of Python

Star Wars coding projects

Star Wars Coding Projects is a step-by-step visual guide to coding fun projects in Scratch and shows you everything you need to know to create cool computer projects, animations, and games.
Cover image of Star Wars coding projects

Computing and coding in the real world

Discusses computer coding, showing how programming is everywhere and breaks down the rules of coding.
Cover image of Computing and coding in the real world

All about coding

An introduction to computer coding that explores its history, how it works, contemporary trends, and more.
Cover image of All about coding

Secret coders

Welcome to Stately Academy, a school which is just crawling with mysteries to be solved! The founder of the school left many clues and puzzles to challenge his enterprising students. Using their wits and their growing prowess with coding, Hopper and her friend Eni are going to solve the mystery of Stately Academy no matter what it takes!.
Cover image of Secret coders

Secrect coders

Paths & portals
Stately Academy is just crawling with mysteries to be solved! In the last volume, Hopper and Eni discovered a robot in the supply closet and programmed him to do mischief. Now they're trapped in an underground lair, and they must use their new programming skills to escape. Hot on the heels of the highly anticipated first volume, Paths & Portals offers more of the same high-stakes adventure and real-world coding instruction. The Secret Coders series is an exciting new direction for Gene Luen Yang, one of the most popular creators in children's comics.
Cover image of Secrect coders

Robots & repeats

Dr. One-Zero has added a new class to Stately Academy's curriculum. But in 'advanced chemistry' they only teach one lesson: how to make Green Pop! While their classmates are manufacturing this dangerous soda, the Coders uncover a clue that may lead them to Hopper's missing dad. Is it time to use Professor Bee's most powerful weapon: the Turtle of Light?.
Cover image of Robots & repeats

Secret coders

"Dr. One-Zero won't stop until the whole town--no, the whole world--embraces the 'true happiness' found in his poisonous potion, Green Pop. And now that he has the Turtle of Light, he's virtually unstoppable. There's one weapon that can defeat him: another Turtle of Light. Unfortunately, they can only be found in another dimension! To open a portal to this new world, Hopper, Eni, and Josh's coding skills will be put to the test"--Back cover.
Cover image of Secret coders

Coding in scratch

projects workbook : make cool art, interactive images, zany music, and more
Contains exercises and step-by-step guidance to coding projects in Scratch.
Cover image of Coding in scratch


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