computer programming

Topical Term
computer programming

Understanding coding with Python

An introduction to the computer programming language Python.

The friendship code

"Looking forward to joining the new coding club at school so that she can develop her app idea, Lucy is disappointed by the lukewarm reception she receives from the club's other members, who work with her to decipher mysterious coding notes."--OCLC.

Coding with ScratchJr

ScratchJr is a beginner's programming language that is fun and easy to use.

Coding with Blockly

Blockly is a fun, graphical programming language designed to get kids interested in creating their own computer programs.

Girls who code

learn to code and change the world
"Introduces the relevance of coding and shares down-to-earth explanations about coding principles and real-life stories of women programmers who work at such places as Pixar and NASA."--OCLC.

All about coding

An introduction to computer coding that explores its history, how it works, contemporary trends, and more.

50 things to go further with Google Classroom

a student-centered approach
" ... offer[s] inspiration and resources to help [teachers] create a digitally rich, engaging, student-centered environment ... with Google Classroom"--Back cover.

Getting paid to make games and apps

Provides information to help readers begin a career making games and apps.

Power of patterns

"Have you ever wondered how a GPS knows the fastest route to take? Or how a video game knows when to stop performing an action? The answer is coding. Discover the fundamentals for computer programming, such as conditional statements, looping, and debugging. Who knows? You might even want to try out this innovative skill yourself!"--Provided by publisher.

Understanding coding with Hopscotch

Introduction to essential coding terms & concepts, including graphical user interface (GUI) using Hopscotch.


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