computer programming

Topical Term
computer programming

Understanding coding with Minecraft

Describes the basics of coding using the computer game Minecraft. Discusses how to use Redstone and the rules of logic to code in Minecraft. Includes color illustrations, a chart of common Minecraft gates, and a glossary.

Mindstorms: level 1

"Learn the basics of Mindstorms, from building your first robot to programming its first movements."--Provided by publisher.

Raspberry Pi for kids

Discusses how to use the Raspberry Pi computer, covering connecting the Pi to other devices such as a keyboard, mouse, and monitor; downloading and installing the operating system and using the installed applications; editing images, creating web pages, and playing music; and the basics of Linux System Admin.

Nabbed tablet

"When Ava Rhodes's brand new tablet computer goes missing, she's desperate to solve the mystery. Can her fellow coding club members Marco and Grady and some quick coding help her? Or is everyone a suspect?"--Provided by publisher.

So, you want to be a coder?

Discusses education and careers in the computer coding industry. Gives tips from professionals and tells stories of youth who write code.

Teach your kids to code

a parent-friendly guide to Python programming
"A guide to teaching basic programming skills for parents and teachers, with step-by-step explanations, visual examples, and exercises. Covers programming concepts including loops, lists, functions, and variables, and how to build games and applications"--Provided by publisher.

Understanding coding with Raspberry Pi

An introduction to Raspberry Pi computers and the computer programming language Python.

Understanding coding with Python

An introduction to the computer programming language Python.

Understanding coding with Scratch

An introduction to the computer programming language Scratch.

Understanding coding with Hopscotch

Introduction to essential coding terms & concepts, including graphical user interface (GUI) using Hopscotch.


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