Capaccio, George

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How Rent made it to the stage

In 1996, tickets to see the Broadway musical Rent were selling like hotcakes. The show was so popular that many folks saw it multiple times and even dressed up like their favorite characters. Some Rent heads even slept overnight on the sidewalk in order to be sure of getting a ticket for the next performance. Everything about the show was new and exciting. This book not only tells the story of Rent's journey to Broadway, it will also help readers understand why the show was so successful and why it remains both a cultural milestone and an experience well worth having today.

Puppetry in theater

Readers learn some of the finer points in how to make and move these wonderful creations.

Advertising and marketing in theater

This book focuses on some of the methods of advertising and marketing on whom the success of the show depends.
Cover image of Advertising and marketing in theater

Advertising and marketing in theater

Discusses how to work in advertising for the theater.
Cover image of Advertising and marketing in theater

Lighting and sound in theater

No play can be a success if you can't see it or hear it. This book describes the skills needed for people who play such a huge role behind the scenes.

Acting in theater

Young readers can learn the skills required to be an actor in a school or community theater production.

The Marshall Plan and the Truman Doctrine

This book gives an in-depth discussion of European integration and the influence of Communism on Western Europe.

Schools in Colonial America

Education was not universal in the colonial period. Discover the differences in how rich and poor, male and female, and white and minority students were treated.

Schools in colonial America

Describes the history of education and schools in colonial America.

Religion in colonial America

Discusses early Christianity, the Protestant Reformation, religion in the British American colonies, and the differences in religion in New England, the Mid-Atlantic colonies, and the Southern colonies.


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