"In this alternate version of 1898 New York City, where ghosts are common household nuisances, young Eleanor and Alice Roosevelt battle the fierce spirits that are threatening their family"--Provided by publisher.
the ruthless rise of America's greatest political family
Mann, William J
This book argues that the Roosevelts' rise to power and prestige was driven by intense personal contests that at times devolved into a blood sport because the family was at war with itself---torn apart by jealousy, one-up-manship, the strong devouring the weak, and dismissing the inconvenient (people as well as circumstances). The Oyster Bay Roosevelts (TR's clan) and the Hyde Park Roosevelts (FDR's family) would never fully heal the breach between their families.
The Roosevelt family had a tremendous impact on US government and politics in the late 19th and 20th centuries. Explore how the Roosevelt family got their start in politics, their impact from the White House and other government positions, and how the Roosevelt legacy continues to impact modern politicians.
Draws from letters, memoirs, and interviews to chronicle the lives of nine women from the Roosevelt clan, covering a period of 150 years; discussing their activities as wives, mothers, authors, campaigners, and socialites.
Profiles the life and career of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, his childhood, personal struggles with polio, and how he led the country through the war years; and includes twenty-one related activities for kids.