history, modern

Topical Term
history, modern

Reform and revolt

Traces milestones in history from Martin Luther's ninety-five theses printed in 1517 to the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 which consolidated Japanese power.

The age of wars of religion, 1000-1650

an encyclopedia of global warfare and civilization
Contains entries that discuss people, issues, and events related to wars of religion waged between the eleventh and mid-seventeenth centuries, covering military technology, royal finance, social and class relations, major confessional groups, and beliefs about combat and chivalry. Arranged alphabetically from A to K, with maps.

Incendiary circumstances

a chronicle of the turmoil of our times
Examines important world events over the past two decades such as the 2005 tsunami, the devastation and casualties at the New York Trade Centers in 2001, and the rise of religious extremism, and other related happenings.

Free world

America, Europe, and the surprising future of the West
Provides a view of the history of world politics and the implications for the future and focuses on the world powers of the United States, Europe, and the Middle East.

The two great wars

An introduction to the two world wars of the twentieth century, including causes, weaponry, battles, and aftermath.


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