life skills

Topical Term
life skills


a guide for filling out all kinds of forms
A guide to filling out such vital forms as applications for jobs, driver's license, social security, college admission, and credit cards, as well as health insurance and income tax forms, pointing out the necessity for knowing and keeping up-to-date records of one's personal data.

101 things you should know how to do

Introduces the reader to over 100 of the most important things they need to know including holding a baby, eating a lobster, shooting a free throw, and playing chess.

On your own for the first time

a guide to starting off in the real world
Provides tips and advice for people venturing out into the real world for the first time, explaining how they can avoid common mistakes and deal with the many problems that can arise.

Living on your own

Explains the fundamental steps toward achieving personal and financial independence.

Latchkey kid

Gives advice for children who are alone at home after school, on making snacks, scheduling the afternoon, dealing with emergencies, and other topics.

How to get started when you don't know where to begin

A guide to handling the basic tasks of daily living, including finding jobs and apartments, buying cars and clothes, handling money, meeting emergencies, improving education, and more.

Phineas and Ferb guide to life

"Have you ever wondered what to do when you meet an alien? Want to know the top ten hiding places if you're on the run? Or how to create the perfect beach day in your backyard? Find out in this jam-packed guide to life by Phineas and Ferb featuring tips, activities, and the show's trademark wacky humor. From diagrams of Phineas and Ferb's craziest inventions, to fun quizzes and trivia, to unfinished comic panels for readers to get creative, this awesome new hardcover format is sure to be a hit with fans of the imaginative stepbrothers."

Scooby-Doo's Guide to Life

Just Say "Ruh-Roh!"
A humorous presentation of everything you need to know in life, learned from the dog, Scooby-Doo.

Independent living

Discusses the pros and cons of living on your own, including where to live, finances, and the realities of living alone.

About traumatic experiences

Provides answers to questions concerning trauma and traumatic experiences.


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