Shockwave social studies

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Harsh or heroic?

the Middle Ages
Describes the realities of life in Europe during the Middle Ages, discussing the structure of society, manors, castles, knights and armor, the church, women, towns, and guilds.

Made by humans

astonishing achievements
Provides accounts of some of the world's manmade marvels, including Stonehenge, the city of Petra, Jordan, the temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia, the Panama Canal, and others, and considers the question of whether bigger is always better when it comes to building the cities of the future.

Caught with a catch

poaching in Africa
Describes a number of animals that are either extinct or in danger of extinction due to illegal hunting and other human activities.

Carved in stone

clues about cultures
Explores how cultures around the world and throughout history have used stone carvings and art to portray their beliefs and experiences, and discusses what researchers have learned about the past by studying these stone carvings.

Flight and fancy

the airline industry
Describes the changes in air travel from 1927 to the present day beginning with Amelia Earhart's nonstop flight across the Atlantic ocean to the airliner 787 which could fly nonstop for 8,350 miles. Also discusses the safety of air travel in the twenty-first century despite terrorism concerns.

The bull and the bear

how stock markets work
Examines how the stock market works, discussing the New York Stock Exchange, Bull and Bear markets, the crash of 1929, and the best way to trade in stocks.


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