Baxter, Roberta

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The Battle of Gettysburg

a history perspectives book
This book relays the factual details of the Battle of Gettysburg that took place during the U.S. Civil War. Readers learn about the key historical event from the perspectives of a Confederate soldier, a Union soldier, and a woman merchant near the battle.

The first cars

"Large photographs and simple text describe eight early cars"--.

Ernest Rutherford and the birth of the atomic age

An examination of the life and scientific achievements of New Zealand-born British chemist and physicist Ernest Rutherford.


teachers A-Z resource guide
Provides chemistry teachers with a wide variety of classroom tools and resources, including activities, bibliographies, demonstrations, homework helpers, and more.

Michael Faraday and the nature of electricity

Provides a biography of Michael Faraday, a British chemist and physicist who contributed significantly to the study of electromagnetism and electrochemistry.

Fire, water, and air

the story of Antoine Lavoisier
A biography of chemist Antoine Lavoisier who identified oxygen and hydrogen, studied the conservation of mass, wrote the first major list of elements, and helped develop the metric system. Describes how old rivals raised suspicion about him during the French Revolution that led to his beheading.

The Bill of Rights

Explains the history of the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments of the U.S. Constitution.


Introduces young readers to the invention of computers and discusses ENIAC and silicon transistors and advancements in computer technology.

States of matter in the real world

Explores the science concept of states of matter, how different states exist in everyday situations, and how this concept is used in technology.

Illuminated progress

the story of Thomas Edison
Examines the life of Thomas A. Edison, and describes his childhood and education, his laboratories in New Jersey and New York City, his early inventions--which includes the phonograph and the light bulb--and other related topics.


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