petroleum reserves

Topical Term
petroleum reserves

Arctic rising

In a future Earth decimated by global warming where rival countries fight to claim massive amounts of oil beneath the newly accessible ocean, an innovative corporation creates a technology that can both cool the planet and provide a massive super-weapon, prompting airship pilot Anika Duncan to be swept up by an international plot.

Trouble on planet Earth

The reader investigates the dwindling oil supply that threatens life on Earth and can choose between alternative adventures, each leading to twenty-two possible endings.


Traces the history of worldwide oil dependence and identifies the interrelations between oil, geo-politics, and high finance. Explores the threats to worldwide security as oil reserves dwindle and greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise.


A collection of controversial essays that debate issues concerning the global oil crisis including the effects of foreign oil on the U.S. and international relations, and oil drilling in parts of the Arctic regions.

Out of gas

the end of the age of oil
Presents a scientific perspective on the declining supply of fossil fuel throughout the world, discussing what might happen to climate and civilization in the face of a permanent oil shortage.


Presents twenty-five essays that explore various controversies surrounding the use, distribution, environmental impact, and cost of oil around the world.

World made by hand

In this fictionalized future of American civilization, the terminal decline of oil production and the fall of the central government has made life in the small town of Union Grove, New York, remote until a radical religious sect, the New Faith order, clashes with the locals, and Robert Earle, a former software executive turned carpenter, is sent off to recover the missing crew of a trading boat.

Golden Buddha

Juan Cabrillo takes on two of the most dangerous nations on Earth to help a man of peace return to his home.


the economics of fuel
Explores the importance of the petroleum industry to the global economy, discussing alternative energy sources as well as how to maintain oil consumption and preserve the environment.


Focuses on oil which is a controversial topic of worldwide importance and offers a panoramic view of opinions selected from a diverse range of international sources, including journals, magazines, newspapers, nonfiction books, speeches, government documents, organization newsletters, and position papers.


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