Lieurance, Suzanne

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the people, landmarks, and highlights of the 50 states

The ancient Maya

Explores the history and culture of the ancient Mayan Indians of Mexico and Central America, discussing the discovery of stone monuments that recorded historical events, the ruins of the palace at Palenque, the pyramid at Uxmal in the Yucatan Peninsula, and the Maya temple at Tikal. Includes links to Web sites for further study.


A child needs one more penny to make a nickel.

The Prohibition Era in American history

Explores the impact on American society and history of the Eighteenth Amendment and the Volstead Act, which prohibited any use of alcohol except for religious or medicinal purposes.

The Triangle Shirtwaist fire and sweatshop reform in American history

Explores the people and events connected with the 1911 fire in a New York City sewing factory that killed 146 people and led to reforms in legislation regarding workplace safety.

The lucky baseball

my story in a Japanese-American internment camp
In 1942 after the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor, twelve-year-old Harry Yakamoto and his family are forced to move to an internment camp where they must learn to survive in the desert of California under the watch of armed guards. Includes section about the treatment of Japanese Americans during World War II.

The locket

surviving the Triangle Shirtwaist fire
Eleven-year-old Galena, a Russian immigrant begins fighting for improved working conditions in New York City's factories after a terrible fire claims the lives of over 140 workers at the non-unionized Triangle Shirtwaist Factory.


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