
Topical Term

Missing May

After the death of the beloved aunt who has raised her, twelve-year-old Summer and her uncle Ob leave their West Virginia trailer in search of the strength to go on living.

Miss Rumphius

Great-aunt Alice Rumphius was once a little girl who loved the sea, longed to visit faraway places, and wished to do something to make the world more beautiful.

Me and the pumpkin queen

Although Aunt Arlene tries to interest her in clothing and growing up, ten-year-old Mildred is entirely focused on growing a pumpkin big enough to win the annual Circleville, Ohio, contest, as her mother dreamed of doing before she died.

Harriet Bean and the League of Cheats

Harriet helps her detective aunts, Thessalonika and Japonica, investigate cheating at the racetrack by disguising herself as a jockey.

Meet Josefina

an American girl
Nine-year-old Josefina, the youngest of four sisters living in New Mexico in 1824, tries to help run the household after her mother dies.

Something might happen

Twitchly Fidget the lemur worries about almost everything until his Aunt Bridget Fidget pays him a visit and shows him another way to live.

Aunt Lulu

Tired of working as a librarian in Alaska, Aunt Lulu takes her sled and her fourteen Huskies and moves to Parsippany, New Jersey.

The Secret Remedy Book

a story of comfort and love
Although Lolly loves to visit her Auntie Zep's house, she feels homesick when she actually gets there, and so Auntie Zep retrieves the Secret Remedy Book from an old trunk.

The trolls

Eccentric Aunt Sally comes from Canada to babysit the Anderson children while their parents are on a trip to Paris and every night the bedtime story adds another piece to a very suspect family history.

Josefina learns a lesson

a school story
Josefina and her sisters distrust learning to read and write, as well as other changes their T?a Dolores is bringing to the household, because they fear they will lose their memories of their mother.


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