tall tales

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tall tales

The narrow escapes of Davy Crockett

from a bear, a boa constrictor, a hoop snake, an elk, an owl, eagles, rattlesnakes, wildcats, trees, tornadoes, a sinking ship, and Niagara Falls
Recounts the wild adventures of Davy Crockett, including his tangles with a wrestling bear, eagles that wish to pull out his hair, and an alligator he rides up Niagara Falls.

Fundorado Island

Redbeard's discoveries (and his adventures too)
In his logbook, Captain Redbeard the pirate relates his adventures, including mutiny, ongoing battles with jelly beans, and a mysterious island called Fundorado.

Paul Bunyan

An introduction to the life and accomplishments of the fictional folk hero, Paul Bunyan, who is said to have created the logging industry in America.

Paul Bunyan and Babe the blue ox

Tall tales of the mighty logger, including his birth and his adventures in a logging camp, in the South Dakota forests, and among the California redwoods.

Carlita ropes the twister

Carlita, a little girl who wants to be a cowgirl, does not run and hide when a twister comes to town, but ropes it instead.

Pecos Bill

Pecos Bill read by Robin Williams,is the great American tall tale about the brother of coyotes,creator of the Great Salt Lake and rider of cyclones.With Robin Williams' many voices,original music by Ry Cooder and fanciful illustrations by Tim Raglin,this yarn is rich in language,imagery and sheer nonsensical fun.

Just so stories

A collection of twelve humorous tales including how the rhinoceros got his skin and the leopard got his spots.

Johnny Appleseed

Introduces children to the life of John Chapman, who became known as the American icon Johnny Appleseed, describing his gentle spirit, perseverance, respect among Native Americans, and link with the natural world.


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