Mitchard, Jacquelyn

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No Time To Wave Goodbye

Focuses on five families caught in the tortuous web of never knowing the fate of their abducted children.

What we lost in the dark

Despite her fatal allergy to sunlight and the risk to all she holds dear, Allie Kim is determined to see Garrett Tabor brought to justice and may get her chance when she and Rob uncover a secret Tabor has hidden under Lake Superior.

What we saw at night

After glimpsing an older man in a room with a dead girl, sixteen-year-old Allie, who has a life-threatening allergy to sunlight, discovers she is the lone key to stopping a serial killer.

Cage of stars

Veronica Swan, a sixteen-year-old Mormon, attempts to avenge the deaths of her younger sisters, who were brutally killed four years before by a deranged man her parents have forgiven.

Ready, set, school!

After Rory the raccoon conquers his fear of spending an entire night away from home, he is prepared to tackle the challenge of starting school.

The deep end of the ocean

The disappearance of her three-year-old son Ben threatens to drive a wedge between Beth Cappadora and her husband, Pat, and transforms her older son into a troubled delinquent, until one day nine years later when Ben comes back into their lives.

Starring Prima!

the mouse of the Ballet Jolie
In the old grand piano at the Ballet Jolie in New York City lives a ballet dancer who just happens to be a mouse, and who intends to become principal dancer in ballets for mice and humans, and the occasional dog, as well.


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