greenhouse gases

Topical Term
greenhouse gases

Biodegradability and you

A book about cultivating sustainable habits and understanding how waste affects the Earth.

The green new deal and beyond

ending the climate emergency while we still can
"A clear and urgent call for the national, social, and individual changes required to prevent catastrophic climate change"--Provided by publisher.

The danger of greenhouse gases

Learn the science behind the greenhouse gases problem and some of the ways that we can fight back.

Preserving energy

Find out how you, your family, and your town can do a few simple things that can save energy today.

Innovators challenging climate change

Discusses innovations in managing climate change, including advances in electricity, transportation, and industry.

How to avoid a climate disaster

the solutions we have and the breakthroughs we need
"Bill Gates shares what he's learned in more than a decade of studying climate change and investing in innovations to address the problems, and sets out a vision for how the world can build the tools it needs to get to zero greenhouse gas emissions . . . Climate change, according to Gates, will have the biggest impact on the people who have done the least to cause it. As a technologist, he has seen firsthand how innovation can change the world. By investing in research, inventing new technologies, and by deploying them quickly at large scale, Gates believes climate change can be addressed in meaningfulways. According to Gates, 'to prevent the worst effects of climate change, we have to get to net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases. This problem is urgent, and the debate is complex, but I believe we can come together to invent new carbon-zero technologies, deploy the ones we have, and ultimately avoid a climate catastrophe'"--Provided by publisher.

Recycling works!

Read about the many ways that you can recycle just about anything and how those actions can help change the world.
Cover image of Recycling works!

Climate change

Readers will find out when climate change began, how it has progressed, and what we can do to fight it.
Cover image of Climate change

Droughts and crop failure

This book explores the topics of drought and crop failure throughout history and in modern times.
Cover image of Droughts and crop failure

Earth's atmosphere

Explores the atmosphere's composition, its behavior, and how it affects life on Earth.
Cover image of Earth's atmosphere


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