students, foreign

Topical Term
students, foreign

Rising sons and daughters

life among Japan's new young
Presents the young people of today's Japan.

Never fade away

a novel
An untenured instructor at a state university in mid-1980s Los Angeles goes against the system to help ethnic minority and immigrant students succeed.

Invasion of the boy snatchers

a Clique novel
Following Christmas break, the girls are back together, but everything seems different with the addition of Alicia's cousin from Spain who is spending the semester at Octavian Country Day School.

The stranger in the shadows

When a fire hits the home of Nancy's neighbors, Nancy investigates whether Paula, a Dutch foreign exchange student staying with them, is somehow connected.


Maria Meyers travels to Ireland after learning her daughter, Pearl, has chained herself to the U.S. Embassy and not eaten for six weeks, leading Maria to question her daughter's upbringing and the circumstances that have brought her to this point.

Getting the boot

Seventeen-year-old Kelly gets into an exclusive summer program in Italy with a little help from a friend, but she almost ruins everything when she becomes involved with a bad-news guy, and must work hard to prove herself after being given the gift of a second chance.

Who says nobody's perfect?

When Ingvild arrives in New York City from Norway as an exchange student, she shares a room with fifteen-year-old Jennifer who becomes jealous of Ingvild's beauty and popularity at school.


Katla's hopes of dodging unfinished business during her senior year are dashed by the arrival of two "Icelandic exchange students," Marik and Jinky, who have come to collect Katla's frail baby sister and take her to the water queen.

Bonjour, Wildcats!

Kelsi falls for Jean-Claude, the new foreign exchange student at East High, and must find a way to overcome her shyness and find a way to outwit Sharpay if she wants to win his attention.


Pygmy--a young adult from a totalitarian state, disguised as an exchange student--plans a terrorist attack and depicts U.S. Midwestern life through the eyes of a hateful, indoctrinated killer, in this satire of American xenophobia.


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