handbooks, manuals, etc

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handbooks, manuals, etc


a reference guide from the Renaissance to the present
Provides a brief overview of the history of Ireland from the Renaissance to the twenty-first century, features an alphabetical dictionary of notable people, places, and events, and includes a chronology, maps, and an index.

The Writer's guide to everyday life in the Middle Ages

A writer's guide to life in northern Europe during the Middle Ages, covering food, fashion, family life, medicine, religion, politics, and social structure.

The Writer's guide to everyday life from prohibition through World War II

A writer's guide to life in America from the passing of the National Prohibition Act in 1919 through the end of World War II in 1945, covering popular slang, prohibition, the Depression, World War II, crime, transportation, fashion, radio, and music and dance.

Congressional Quarterly's desk reference on the federal budget

Answers over five hundred questions on the federal budget including where government funds come from, government spending, the budgeting process, the government's relationship to banking, and events in each administration from Franklin Roosevelt to Bill Clinton, and includes a bibliography.

Congressional Quarterly's desk reference on the economy

Answers over six hundred questions on the U.S. economy, covering events, indicators, and trends from the 1930s to 1999; fiscal and monetary, private sector, social, environmental, and international economic issues; and economy evaluation; and includes a glossary, bibliography, and other reference materials.

Congressional Quarterly's desk reference on American government

In a question and answer format provides information about the federal government and elections.

Tracing your ancestry

a step-by-step guide to researching your family history
Explains procedures for searching birth and marriage certificates, wills, land records, maps, tax records, newspaper obituaries, church and cemetery records, old letters, and diaries.

A genealogist's guide to discovering your female ancestors

special strategies for uncovering hard-to-find information about your female lineage
Provides special strategies and unique research techniques for finding sources of information on female ancestors, and explains how to go beyond names and dates to discover who your foremothers were as people and how the events of history affected their lives.


a global studies handbook
Explores the history, culture, people, political system, economy, and geography of Cuba; and includes maps, photographs, and a glossary.


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