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One piece

The Straw Hats, separated from each other and awaiting the ominious foretelling by Kami Eneru that only five of them would be left after three hours, eventually meet on the battlefield where the war for Skypiea is being fought.

One piece

Luffy has a jump start on the battle to rescue Robin and Franky before they are sentenced by the Navy's court, and the World Government is in for an epic battle against the Straw Hats and the Franky Family.

One piece

Sanji, Usopp, and Franky face off against the Navy while the rest of the Straw Hats hurry to catch up to the Sea Train and free Robin from the clutches of CP9.

One piece

After Robin leaves the crew, the Straw Hats uncover the real motive behind the actions of the CP9 assassins and try to stop them from using the most destructive weapon of the ancient world.

One piece

The ninth justice
Nico Robin is blamed for the attempted assassination of the mayor of Water 7, and the Straw Hats try to clear her name while uncovering information that the members of CP9 might be the real culprits.

One piece

Luffy, working with Usopp to repair the "Merry-Go," faces a tough decision when his money is stolen and he has to determine what will happen to the ship.

One piece

The city of water
The Straw Hats, while working on repairs to the "Merry Go," face the Foxy Pirates in three challenges, and Admiral Aokiji, who knows about Nico Robin's past, finds them.

One piece

Davy Back fight
Monkey D. Luffy, an aspiring pirate who lost the ability to swim when he gained the power to stretch like rubber, explores Long Ring Long Land with his crew, and contemplates accepting a challenge from the Foxy Pirates.


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