
Topical Term

About God

Describes God and the various ways we can know about God, especially through Jesus.

For God So Loved the World

My John 3:16 Book
With an international flavor, this book celebrates God's love for children in every land. Ten nationalities are represented with a peek into cultures, locations, and languages. Each spread teaches the Bible verse in a different language.

By the River Piedra I sat down and wept

Pilar, an independent young woman, renews her relationship with a childhood friend who is now a maverick seminarian, and together they follow a spiritual path to true love.

Golfing with God

a novel
Herman Fins-Winston is summoned by God to help improve his putting game; but instead of teaching God about the game, it is Herman who learns important lessons.

I see the moon

A young child sails through the night watched over by God.

Heaven talks back

an uncommon conversation

Embraced by compassion

on human longing and divine response

Why science does not disprove God

Analyzing the theories and findings of such titans as Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin, a renowned science writer and mathematician demonstrates in multiple ways that science has not, as yet, provided any definitive proof refuting the existence of God.

Love commands in the New Testament

Dr. Perkins in her always lucid yet comprehensive and profound scholarly manner explains the central teaching of Jesus Christ, to love one another, and explores several aspects of that historical and theological phenomenom. She sets the historical and sociological context in which such commands emerge, and she discovers such a commandment and commissioning not so unusual in the time and place of Jesus, as it draws not only form the Old Testament, including the decalogue, but also from the hellenistic code of ethics widespread across the eastern Mediterranean, including the region of the childhood home of Jesus in northern Israel. We today now find it most odd and unheard of that Jesus commands us to love one another, including loving our own enemies and doing good to those who harm and insult us. It strikes us as oddly as reading the Bill of Rights as a central document of our government. But indeed the central comandment of our faith is to Love one another, including our own enemies.


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