17th century

Topical Term
17th century

Henry Hudson and the Algonquins of New York

native American prophecy & European discovery, 1609
Recounts Henry Hudson's 1609 arrival at Manhattan Island from the perspectives of the Eastern Algonquins, who greeted Hudson as the fulfillment of ancient prophecies; Robert Juet, who accompanied Hudson; and Hudson himself.

The scarlet letter

The Scarlet Letter unfolds the tale of Hester Prynne, a yong woman branded as an adutleress in the harsh Puritan world of 17th-century New England.

The Jamestown Colony

Cornerstones of Freedom
Includes bibliographical references and index.

Love and hate in Jamestown

John Smith, Pocahontas, and the start of a new nation
Describes daily life in Jamestown for the British men and women whose charge was to find gold and a route to the Orient but found only hardship and despair.



Nathaniel's nutmeg, or, The true and incredible adventures of the spice trader who changed the course of history

Traces the adventures of seventeenth-century ship captain Nathaniel Courthope, charged by King James I of England to lead a mission to the tiny island of Run, the most lucrative of the Spice Islands; and discusses the historical impact of his journey.

Journey into Mohawk County

Early in the winter of 1634, a young Dutch trader set out with his friends from a distant outpost of the tiny Dutch colony on the southern tip of Manhattan Island, seeking to establish new friendships with the surrounding tribes that would strengthen the faltering Dutch fur trade.

Shakespeare's theater

Discusses theater in the time of William Shakespeare, describes some of the venues in which his works were performed, and provides information on costumes, properties and stage setting, acting style, and the rebuilding of the Globe Theater.

The early modern world, 1492 to 1783

Chronicles the rise and fall of civilizations, trade, conflict, and cultural development from 1492 to 1783, describing the Thirty Years War, Ottoman Empire, Reformation, colonial North America, and the American Revolution.

The most daring raid of the samurai

Describes the Okinawa raid of 1609, discussing its origins, planning, execution, and outcome, and including photographs, maps, and illustrations.


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