17th century

Topical Term
17th century

The northern colonies

freedom to worship (1600-1770)
Provides a cultural and historical context for the development of the United States during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and includes Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Rhode Island and Connecticut, New Netherland and New Sweden, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and more.

The barbarous years

the peopling of British North America : the conflict of civilizations, 1600-1675
Presents an account of the first great transit of people from Britain, Europe, and Africa to British North America.


the complete works

Henry More

and the scientific revolution
Biography of Henry More, an English metaphysical theologian who lived in England during the seventeenth century and is credited with helping form some of Isaac Newton's ideas.

The age of Milton and the scientific revolution

Explores how the works of John Milton interacted with the revolutionary work of his contemporaries in science to contribute to the advancement of learning that took place during Milton's life.

Absolutism and the scientific revolution, 1600-1720

a biographical dictionary
Presents alphabetized biographical profiles that provide basic information on over four hundred major European figures from 1600 to 1720, including those who had significant impact on intellectual and cultural activity of the era.

Encyclopedia of the scientific revolution

from Copernicus to Newton
An alphabetical resource on science in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, including biographical and conceptual entries with an interdisciplinary emphasis.

The fellowship

Gilbert, Bacon, Harvey, Wren, Newton, and the story of a scientific revolution
Examines the lives and obsessions of the men associated with the scientific revolution and the birth of the Royal Society in seventeenth-century England including William Gilbert, Francis Bacon, William Harvey, Christopher Wren, and Isaac Newton.

The medieval and early modern world

primary sources and reference volume
Contains over sixty primary source documents which provide an overview of the history of the Medieval and early modern world; and includes a map, a time line, marginal notes, suggestions for further reading, Web sites, and thematic and comprehensive indexes.


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