
Topical Term

Splendid solution

Jonas Salk and the conquest of polio
Presents a comprehensive study of Jonas Salk and his years of research in the 1950s on finding a vaccine for Infantile Paralysis, and discusses the controversy that surrounded his work and experiments.

Level 4

virus hunters of the CDC
A personal account of the work of Joseph McCormick and Susan Fisher-Hoch, a husband and wife team who have been in the forefront of research into the causes and treatment of deadly viruses, traveling the world in the course of their investigations of diseases like Ebola, Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever, and HIV.

Jonas Salk

A biography of the scientist and humanitarian who discovered the vaccine for polio, a disease which crippled many people in the early part of the century.

Jonas Salk

Presents a profile of twentieth-century scientist Jonas Salk, developer of the polio vaccine, discussing his childhood in New York, his education, and the significance of his vaccine and other research in medical science.

Splendid solution

Jonas Salk and the conquest of polio
Presents a comprehensive study of Jonas Salk and his years of research in the 1950s on finding a vaccine for Infantile Paralysis, and discusses the controversy that surrounded his work and experiments.

Jonas Salk

discoverer of the polio vaccine
Discusses the life and accomplishments of Jonas Salk, including his discovery of the vaccine against polio and his work on influenza and AIDS.

Jonas Salk

beyond the microscope
Profiles the life and work of physician Jonas Salk, the creator of the first successful polio vaccine, focusing on his contributions to the medical field and his lasting influence on the ways scientists collaborate and conduct research.

Level 4

virus hunters of the CDC

Jonas Salk

A biography of the scientist and humanitarian who discovered the vaccine for polio, a disease which crippled many people in the early part of the twentieth century.

Jonas Salk and the polio vaccine

A biography of the scientist and humanitarian who discovered the vaccine for polio, a disease which crippled many people in the early part of the twentieth century.


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