skywalker, luke (fictitious character)

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skywalker, luke (fictitious character)

Luke Skywalker's amazing story

Covers events in Luke Skywalker's life as shown in the Star wars films.

Shadows of the empire

Xizor, a reptilian criminal who seeks to usurp Darth Vadar's position in the Empire, marks Luke Skywalker as his first target, while the young Jedi marshall's his forces to free Han Solo, who is being held captive in a carbonite slab.

LEGO Star wars

a new hope
A retelling of the first Star Wars movie finds Luke Skywalker on a mission to save Princess Leia, which leads him to the enemy Death Star where only the Force can save him, and features LEGO characters Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and others.


Jacen Solo's shadow of influence has threatened many, especially those closest to him. Jaina Solo, determined to bring her brother in, must first learn unfamiliar skills from a man she finds ruthless, repellent, and dangerous. Luke Skywalker contemplates once unthinkable strategies to dethrone his nephew.


Luke Skywalker wanted to unify the Jedi order and bring peace to the universe. Instead his wife Mara lies dead at the hands of an unknown assassin, his wayward nephew Jacen has seized control of the Galactic Alliance, and the galaxy has exploded in all-out civil war.


Once mysterious prophecy, Luke Skywalker's words have become truth. But can even the Sword of the Jedi bring down one of the most powerful Sith Lords of all time?.


Fighting alongside the Corellian rebels, Han and Leia are locked in a war against their son Jacen, who grows more powerful and more dangerous with each passing day. Nothing can stop Jacen's determination to bring peace with a glorious Galactic Alliance victory, whatever the price.


Luke Skywalker knows that it is time to teach his young Jedi knights how to use their lightsabers, but he is afraid that in order for them to learn their lesson, they will have to face great sorrow.

Star wars

the Thrawn trilogy
Collects adaptations, in graphic novel format, of "Heir to the Empire," in which the last of the Emperor's warlords make crucial discoveries that could destroy the fragile new Republic; "Dark Force Rising," in which Princess Leia tries to bring an alien race into the Republic while Han and Luke search for Admiral Thrawn; and "The Last Command," in which the New Republic suffers attacks from Thrawn and his army of clone soldiers.


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