Lazaro Leon, Georgina

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El flamboy?n amarillo

Awed by the beauty of the yellow flamboyant tree, a young boy plants one of its seeds and cares for it over many years until the seed grows from a plant into a gorgeous flowering tree.

Viva la tortuga!

Traces the life cycle of the sea turtle, showing how the mother lays her eggs on the beach, following the long trek for the hatchlings from the beach to the sea, and watching as they grow to adulthood and begin the process again. Includes information about the need to protect the sea turtle and its environment.
Cover image of Viva la tortuga!

Jorge Luis Borges

Examines the early life of the twentieth-century Argentine author, from his boyhood in a prosperous family that spoke both English and Spanish, to his schooldays and his return to Argentina as a young man.

Puerto Rico

With vibrant illustrations and engaging text, provides an overview of the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico.

Ya llegan los reyes magos!

On the day before Epiphany, the holiday which commemorates the visit of the Magi, a little Puerto Rican boy prepares for the celebration and looks forward to the annual arrival of the Three Kings.

El flamboyan amarillo

Awed by the beauty of the yellow flamboyant tree, a young boy plants one of its seeds and cares for it over many years until the seed grows from a plant into a gorgeous flowering tree.
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