Gould, Steven

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Blessed with the unusual ability to "jump"--to teleport himself to any place on Earth that he has been to before--Davy is determined to locate others like himself, but interference from the government could prevent him from doing so.


"Cent can teleport. So can her parents, but they are the only people in the world who can. This is not as great as you might think it would be--sure, you can go shopping in Japan and then have tea in London, but it's hard to keep a secret like that. And there are people, dangerous people, who work for governments and have guns, who want to make you do just this one thing for them. And when you're a teenage girl things get even more complicated. High school. Boys. Global climate change, refugees, and genocide. Orbital mechanics. But Cent isn't easily daunted, and neither are Davy and Millie, her parents. She's going to make some changes in the world"--.


Cent, the daughter of a man brutally pursued by the government and other dangerous adversaries for his ability to teleport, triggers an avalanche while illegally snowboarding and discovers her own teleporting abilities.


Leland de Laal, the youngest son of one of Agatsu's greatest leaders, dons the Glass Helm, an imprinting device that contains all the scientific knowledge of lost Earth, not realizing the price he will have to pay for the information.


Charlie Newell has discovered something that will make he and his friends rich but how can he keep it a secret.

7th sigma

In the desert Southwest, Kimble Monroe and others fight for their lives against the "bugs," self-replicating, solar-powered, metal-eating machines.


Charlie's uncle leaves him a ranch that holds a secret door that leads into another world untouched by civilization where saber-toothed tigers and mammoths still roam, but when Charlie sells some extinct birds to finance his exploration of the wilderness, he raises questions that some people will kill to have answered.


Over the years Davy had developed his skills at teleportation, but now a mysterious group of people has kidnapped him in order to use his abilities for their own purpose and his wife, Millie, seems to be the only one who can rescue him.


Griffin's story
Griffin O'Connor, a boy who can teleport, seeks revenge against a group of men that is interested in his ability and is responsible for the deaths of his parents.


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