social control

Topical Term
social control

The power of social media

"Around half of all people on earth use some form of social media. Social media is part of the fabric of life for billions of people. While it sometimes seems the bad outweighs the good, social media has taken a center role in the modern world"--Provided by publisher.

Cancel culture

social justice or mob rule?
"The rise of so-called cancel culture has enable voices on social media to express disapproval for people's words or actions. Individuals can be 'canceled' for racist statements, sexual misconduct, or other perceived misbehavior. [This book] looks at this phenomenon and the controversy over whether it often goes too far"--Provided by publisher.

The hidden history of big brother in America

how the death of privacy and the rise of surveillance threaten us and our democracy
"This book deals with two very large and often amorphous concepts: privacy and surveillance in the context of both government and the marketplace. Both concepts have undergone changes over the millennia of recorded human history, and those changes have dramatically sped up and expanded over the past few centuries, starting with the widespread use of the printing press in the mid- to late-15th century when books and newspapers began to proliferate across Europe and the rest of the "civilized" world by the end of the 17th century. The development of radio, television and the internet in the 20th century heightened the need to define more clearly what both concepts meant and how they applied both to governments (the "public sector") and individual and corporate players (the "private sector"). The Thought Police and Big Brother are terms introduced into the popular lexicon by George Orwell in his novel 1984; Big Brother was the overweening all-powerful government of Orwell's novel, and the Thought Police were those who managed to burrow so deeply into every citizen's behavior, speech and even thoughts that they could control or punish behavior based on the slightest deviations from orthodoxy. Orwell was only slightly off the mark. Big Brother types of government, and Thought Police types of social control, are now widespread in the world and incompatible with democracy, as I'll show in more detail later in the book. Most concerning for Americans and citizens of other "democratic" nations, the mentality of both have heavily infiltrated both American government and corporate sectors, reaching so deeply into the day-to-day details of our lives that the techniques and technologies they use can - and do -not only control, but predict our behavior"--.

So you've been publicly shamed

"For the past three years, Jon Ronson has been immersing himself in the world of modern-day public shaming--meeting famous shamees, shamers, and bystanders who have been impacted... [a] book about public shaming, and about shaming as a form of social control"--Provided by publisher.

No more nice girls

gender, power, and why it's time to stop playing by the rules
"Examines the varied ways in which our institutions are designed to keep women and other marginalized genders at a disadvantage and shows us why we need more than parity, visible diversity, and lone female CEOs to change this power game. [The author] uncovers . . . models of power--ones the patriarchy doesn't get to define--by talking to lawyers insisting on gender-neutral change rooms in courthouses, programmers creating apps to track the breakdown of men and women being quoted in the news media, educators illustrating tampon packaging with pictures of black bodies, mixed martial artists teaching young girls self-empowerment, entrepreneurs prioritizing trauma-informed office cultures, and many other women doing power differently"--Provided by publisher.

The giver

Given his lifetime assignment at the Ceremony of Twelve, Jonas becomes the receiver of memories shared by only one other in his community and discovers the terrible truth about the society in which he lives.

The other side of the island

Honor, living with her mom and dad on Island 365 in the Tranquil Sea, an environment controlled by the Earth Mother corporation in a post-apocalyptic world, becomes more fearful as she grows older and realizes that her nonconformist parents are putting the entire family at risk.
Cover image of The other side of the island

The giver

Given his lifetime assignment at the Ceremony of Twelve, Jonas becomes the receiver of memories shared by only one other in his community and discovers the terrible truth about the society in which he lives.

The giver

Given his lifetime assignment at the Ceremony of Twelve, Jonas becomes the receiver of memories shared by only one other in his community and discovers the terrible truth about the society in which he lives.
Cover image of The giver

The giver

Given his lifetime assignment at the Ceremony of Twelve, Jonas becomes the receiver of memories shared by only one other in his community and discovers the terrible truth about the society in which he lives.
Cover image of The giver


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