space race

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space race

Space race

the epic battle between America and the Soviet Union for dominion of space
Traces the development of rockets and spaceflight from German experiments before World War II to the manned moon landings, and provides biographies on two scientists, Wernher von Braun and Sergei Korolev.

Red moon rising

Sputnik and the hidden rivalries that ignited the Space Age
Drawing on original interviews and declassified documents, examines the behind-the-scenes story of the early space race between the Soviet Union and the U.S., the U-2 spy planes, and the Soviet launching of the Sputnik satellite.

Promised the moon

the untold story of the first women in the space race
Contains the first-hand stories of eleven women chosen by NASA to be the first women in space in 1959 and 1960 and explains why they were grounded in 1961 when the program was abruptly and mysteriously cancelled.


a history of space flight
Offers a comprehensive account of the efforts to explore outer space and reveals the events which shaped both the U.S. and Soviet space programs.

Race into space

Photographs, illustrations, and text describe the competition between countries and private companies to explore space, discussing the American and Russian Space Race, how astronauts survive, various types of technology used by space explorers, and other related topics.

The last man on the moon

astronaut Eugene Cernan and America's race in space
Eugene Cernan, the last astronaut to walk on the Moon, tells the story of his life and career, focusing on his participation in the Gemini and Apollo programs; and discusses the high cost of the space program on his life, family, and friends.

Living through the space race

Collects fourteen documents from and about the space race, including news articles, excerpts from speeches by U.S. leaders, personal accounts by astronauts, and three essays on the race's impact on Soviet and American society and culture.

Footprints on the moon

Photographs and simple text chronicle the history of moon exploration and discuss what the future might hold.

The space race

Discusses the space race between the Soviet Union and the United States and how it led to the creation of NASA.

The space race

An illustrated chronicle of the race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union to achieve greatness in space exploration, spanning from the earliest research efforts and military interest in rockets to the battle for the moon and eventual cooperation between the nations.


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